Living in Narnia

Monday, October 27, 2003

Thank you dear Lord, for bringing me to this point.

I finally can see clearly now. God spoke to me so strongly and so clearly in the past, telling me to let go, and to trust Him completely. I believed Him, and that brought me through some really tough times. But my feelings began to creep back, and I slowly turned away. Back to my own ways, back to my own desires. I tried to do it my own way, hoping that somehow God would approve and help me. But I realise now how foolish and blinded I was all this while. And now, clearer than ever, after having gone my own way, I finally realise that God truly always offers the best way, the best plan for our life. And I can say this now with all certainty because I have tasted what it is like to go my own way, a way that leads nowhere and brings only more struggle. God has a plan for your life; you can choose to go your own way, but sooner or later you will find that His plan is really the best.

Someone once said that God knows the things we hold closest to our hearts, and He will ever so gently pry our hands open until we release everything and are free in Him. That is so true. God has done it very gently in my life, ever so patiently, but it has hurt terribly nonetheless. But each time He has made the pain easier to bear; He has brought me through in some way. The final step, the final release, is always the most painful, the hardest step to take, the one that will tear your heart to pieces and sap every bit of you. It is so much more tempting to take easier paths! But I know now that it has to be done once and for all. There is no other way. Until we have tasted the deepest sorrows, we will never know the greatest joys. Only when we have broken and smashed our way through the final walls, painfully, dangerously if necessary, can we truly be free in Him. And He promises that we will not do it alone. He is there to guide, to give strength, to heal. He will never leave nor forsake us. Jesus' death was the most terrible possible; but it has given us life. We who must follow Jesus and take up our cross will find that this way is the most painful, yet it is the one that leads to true life.

Lord, I am willing. Please help me. With your help, I shall become myself.


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