Living in Narnia

Monday, July 14, 2003

Do we sometimes struggle to trust God with the things of our lives? I want to share with you an experience I had at OBS that shed a lot of light on how to trust God.

During rock wall climbing, I had the chance to go up the wall blindfolded. It was a totally new experience; I had no choice but to rely totally upon the guidance and instructions of my buddy and friends below. It was pretty much they say, I do. Sometimes I thought that the grips and holds that they directed me to would not be strong enough to hold, but it turned out that they were. And all through it, the belayer below held strong, giving me that extra bit of support that was so crucial. I slipped once, but the belayer caught me, and before long I was climbing again. It was much easier in the sense that blindfolded, I could not see the ground and hence my fear of heights could not kick in.

I believe that this is what Paul meant when he said, "For we walk by faith, and not be sight..." 2 Cor. 5:7. In trusting God we have to be totally blind to our own thoughts and fears. When God gives us instructions or guides us, we must humbly and trustingly follow, trusting that He will never lead us astray, and that His ways are always the best. Sometimes we may naturally feel or think that the grips He gives us are not strong enough to hold, but we must throw aside those fears and hold on, and we will find that they WILL hold, because they are God-given. "He will not suffer thy foot to be moved" Psalm 121:3. And through it all, we will find that God is our everlasting belayer, always supporting us with His hand. Indeed if He were not there, how would we ever scale new heights? Finally, when we are blind to all else but Him, all the other fears and distractions that would usually take hold will have no effect.

This is what trusting God is like- we may feel doubtful, we may feel slightly afraid, we may struggle, but we must always obey Him and what He says, even if it runs contrary to our every feeling or thought. The Promise of His Word will hold true.

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3: 5-6.


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