Have you ever come to the point where you feel that things of life are so meaningless and pointless? That they seem to be bringing you nowhere except in a vicious circle that never ends? The very fact that you feel this in your heart means that deep inside your heart, you are longing for something more. Deep inside your heart there is the sense that you were made for a higher purpose, a higher calling. That my dear friends, is the Holy Spirit speaking to you... do not ignore it!
Don't let it go! It is crucial that at this point, you begin to think and pray and reflect on what is that purpose. And it is no secret. It is God's purpose. God made you and put you here on this earth for a purpose. And if you feel restless and if you feel like everything in life is so meaningless, it is because you have yet to discover that beautiful purpose. God has brought you to this point where you are realising how futile and meaningless the things of this world are. Now it is time for you to take the next step that He wants you to take- to turn your mind and heart away from these things, and seek His purpose for your lives. Don't delay!!
You may think, but I'm too busy, there are so many things in my life to be taken care of! My studies, my friends, my ECAs, my hobbies, my partying, my...... Allow me to share something from a book that I"m reading entitled The Purpose-Driven Life (and I would encourage you to find this book and read it)-
"Living the rest of your life for God will require a change in your priorities, your schedule, your relationships, and everything else. It will sometimes mean choosing a difficult path instead of an easy one. Even Jesus struggled with this. Knowing he was about to be crucified, he cried out, 'My soul has become troubled; and what shall I say, 'Father, save Me from this hour'? But for this purpose I came to this hour. Father, glorify Thy name.' "
In reading this passage (John 12:23-28- go read it for yourself), do you see Jesus' sense of purpose and His determination to fulfill it at all costs? I think it is absolutely beautiful! He is the supreme example of what it means to live for God's purpose. Yes, you may think you are too busy, too bogged down, but if you want to live for Him, things must change! There is no two ways about it... things must change! And that is exactly what God wants to do- He wants to change and transform your life. If you will let Him, He will help you to make Him the centre, and teach you to order all the other things in your life around Him. He will be your supreme purpose. And suddenly when all the other things become part of that, they don't seem so meaningless anymore. In fact they become very meaningful. Doesn't that sound good to you? Reach out and take it!
You may ask, so where do I start? How do I begin? Well even before we do anything on the outside, it begins with the heart. We have to come to the point where on the inside, in our heart of hearts, we say to the Lord, ' Father, I want to turn away from all the earthly things that have occupied my life and discover Your purpose for me, at all costs." Sound easy? But be honest and ask yourself, have I really come to this point? Am I really willing to give up all these earthly things to follow God? We have to be honest with ourselves. And if the answer is no, then we have no excuse. It is our fault that we are not discovering His purpose, not His fault.
I pray that you will say that prayer with me. Don't just chuck this away into the corner of your mind, along with the hundred and one things you have to do. Because if you do that, then your life will simply continue in that vicious cycle and ultimately not go anywhere. Things will never change. You must take that step of faith eventually. And I am confident that once you have said that prayer with all your heart, God will show you the way. I guarantee it.
Our Lord Jesus did it for you; will you do it for Him?
Don't let it go! It is crucial that at this point, you begin to think and pray and reflect on what is that purpose. And it is no secret. It is God's purpose. God made you and put you here on this earth for a purpose. And if you feel restless and if you feel like everything in life is so meaningless, it is because you have yet to discover that beautiful purpose. God has brought you to this point where you are realising how futile and meaningless the things of this world are. Now it is time for you to take the next step that He wants you to take- to turn your mind and heart away from these things, and seek His purpose for your lives. Don't delay!!
You may think, but I'm too busy, there are so many things in my life to be taken care of! My studies, my friends, my ECAs, my hobbies, my partying, my...... Allow me to share something from a book that I"m reading entitled The Purpose-Driven Life (and I would encourage you to find this book and read it)-
"Living the rest of your life for God will require a change in your priorities, your schedule, your relationships, and everything else. It will sometimes mean choosing a difficult path instead of an easy one. Even Jesus struggled with this. Knowing he was about to be crucified, he cried out, 'My soul has become troubled; and what shall I say, 'Father, save Me from this hour'? But for this purpose I came to this hour. Father, glorify Thy name.' "
In reading this passage (John 12:23-28- go read it for yourself), do you see Jesus' sense of purpose and His determination to fulfill it at all costs? I think it is absolutely beautiful! He is the supreme example of what it means to live for God's purpose. Yes, you may think you are too busy, too bogged down, but if you want to live for Him, things must change! There is no two ways about it... things must change! And that is exactly what God wants to do- He wants to change and transform your life. If you will let Him, He will help you to make Him the centre, and teach you to order all the other things in your life around Him. He will be your supreme purpose. And suddenly when all the other things become part of that, they don't seem so meaningless anymore. In fact they become very meaningful. Doesn't that sound good to you? Reach out and take it!
You may ask, so where do I start? How do I begin? Well even before we do anything on the outside, it begins with the heart. We have to come to the point where on the inside, in our heart of hearts, we say to the Lord, ' Father, I want to turn away from all the earthly things that have occupied my life and discover Your purpose for me, at all costs." Sound easy? But be honest and ask yourself, have I really come to this point? Am I really willing to give up all these earthly things to follow God? We have to be honest with ourselves. And if the answer is no, then we have no excuse. It is our fault that we are not discovering His purpose, not His fault.
I pray that you will say that prayer with me. Don't just chuck this away into the corner of your mind, along with the hundred and one things you have to do. Because if you do that, then your life will simply continue in that vicious cycle and ultimately not go anywhere. Things will never change. You must take that step of faith eventually. And I am confident that once you have said that prayer with all your heart, God will show you the way. I guarantee it.
Our Lord Jesus did it for you; will you do it for Him?